Letter Lettre Vidéoclip Lancement!

(EDT, UTC-04) (EDT, UTC-04)

Cyberspace, Princess, International (virtual event)

✨💚✨Enfin! Finally! The official vidéoclip pour the Les Chouettes Letter Lettre single is being launched - into - spaaaaace! Join us for a live (virtual) breakfast screening from wherever you are in the world! Monday/lundi May 20th/20 mai - 10h30 EDT ouéee! Grab un thé or un bon café and enjoy a surreal and playful start to your day.

Fovea Productions - Co-created by Muir, Norton & Randall | Directed + Edited by Jenn E Norton / Cinematographer Ryan Randall / Music, Costumes, Art Direction + Starring Krista L. L. Muir / Special thanks to the Kingston Canadian Film Festival / Slaight Music Foundation